Tour of Dirt 4.1

So, I have been able to do some longer rides lately, often solo. Solo riding gives me lots of time to think and process through things. Last week I was able to work through the broad brush strokes of the Tour of Dirt 2018.

Forget everything you know about past ToDs, then remember some of it, but remember it like when you remember that one time you tight rolled your jeans just above your perfectly pushed down white tube socks and everyone noticed, or did they? You know, kind of embarrassed but kind of cool. Now that you think about it, you totally pulled it off. That's more what the Tour will be like this year.

There will be 4 evenly spaced installments. Tour of Dirt 4.1 will take place at Calavera the morning of February the 10th. It will be a no drop group ride wrapped around some excitement. Meet up spot and time with a few more details to come. They might be posted here, then again maybe not. If you are interested you should contact me or find someone that is in the know.

Not quite a dry ice factory, but still a good place to get some thinking done
